Probiotics and fermentation? We tell you about their benefits

Bottle of hair treatment and images of a coconut and a papaya

The Hair Treatment based on fruits is our star product, that is why Fruto Salvaje has grown so fast, and none of this is a coincidence; our Hair Treatment is an incredible, the best in the market in our opinion. And why is it the best product in the
market? You may ask, because our Hair Treatment will effectively nourish, stimulate and strengthen your hair from root to tip. To be more precise, the treatment will sweep through your hair to restructure your entire hair fiber, stimulate new hair growth, prevent hair loss and strengthen your hair strands for a strong, soft and vigorous mane. But do you know why our treatment is so good? There are many reasons, but today we want to talk to you about fermentation and probiotics, two essential factors to ensure the effectiveness of our product. And here we come to our main topic, fermentation and probiotics; let’s start from scratch. Probiotics are selected live microorganisms, beneficial bacteria that help us to maintain good care of our body, including our hair. Probiotics are responsible for keeping our scalp healthy, protecting it, reducing inflammation, improving hydration and above all,
helping to rebuild the hair fiber; thus, helping to stimulate growth, prevent hair loss and strengthen hair. The million-dollar question is simple: How do probiotics appear in our Hair Treatment? Easy, through fermentation.
 Bottle of hair treatment and images of a coconut and a papaya

We let the fruits that make up our treatment ferment in a controlled manner, this fermentation process is what creates the probiotics, which are live microorganisms that will help hair care and guarantee the effectiveness of our fruit-based hair treatment. Tell me how we are not going to tell you that this is the best hair product on the market, if we were the FIRST to implement LIVE microorganisms in hair treatments, we were the first to use the fruits of our country to make an effective product, and of course, we were the first to use the fermentation process to ensure that probiotics work for optimal hair care; we are PIONEERS in Colombia. So, you understand why our Hair Treatment is so special, and it’s not for nothing but it is very effective. If you haven’t tried our products yet and are wondering which one to start with, we can’t recommend anything better; the treatment is the best possible product to start with. Available in all our sales channels, you can write us through our social media if you need further advice, we will answer you with all the love.

5 thoughts on “Probiotics and fermentation? We tell you about their benefits

  1. Lina Flórez says:

    Amo este producto, desde la primera vez que lo usas inmediatamente se nota el cambio, en mi caso tengo un 95% de canas y ahora que uso el tratamiento de forma continua mi cabello nuevo es oscuro!!!, es como si me salieran canas oscuras, ah!!!!, esto parece increíble; en mi vida habia encontrado un producto que revertiera este proceso natural. Los amo!!!


    Buenas tardes. Quiero empezar a utilizar los tratamientos pues tengo el cabello mu maltratado y casi no me crece pero tengo varias dudas. Por que dos diferentes para alternar? Por que no usar solo uno? De que manera se debe usar? Gracias.

    • Petunia Salvaje says:

      Hola, Liz. Te cuento que en nuestro sitio web cuentas con un chat en el cual nuestras asesoras te brindaran una asesoría personalizada en cuanto al modo de uso y beneficios. También si deseas te puedes comunicar con nosotros a nuestro WhatsApp 322 6848924. Con mucho amor estamos para ti

  3. Angely Estrada says:

    Lo adquirí sin mucha fe ya que estaba agotada de probar tantos productos y que ninguno me diera un buen resultado, y OH SORPRESA! desde el primer uso se notó el cambio, ya no presentaba la caía de cabello desmedida y se veía con más vida. Me encantó.

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