Purple Onion is ideal for hair growth

hair tonic

As we have told you on social media, our new product’s active ingredient is purple onion, a vegetable that has many properties for the skin and, above all, for the scalp. Purple onion becomes so important to stimulate growth thanks to a key component, quercetin; a compound of completely natural origin that has unique and interesting properties for our body. Quercetin present in red onion prevents the scalp from becoming inflamed, accelerates blood circulation and does not let the strand weaken due to lack of nutrients.
Purple OnionIt is known for its antioxidant properties that help directly to our hair and boost it for a natural growth, it also helps to control dandruff and hair fungus, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic benefits. This is why we chose purple onion as the main ingredient of our new product, because of its wonderful active ingredients and its great benefits to our hair and the way it complements other products. The secret of these active ingredients is not the purple onion as such, it is the way we extract its properties to potentiate its benefits, in Fruto Salvaje we wanted a complete product that has all these benefits, and we are sure that we achieved it. Remember that you can pre-sell our new product in the following link: https://frutosalvaje.us/marcas/fruto-salvaje-linea-capilar/tonico-crecimiento-capilar-cebolla-extracto-natural.html

3 thoughts on “Purple Onion is ideal for hair growth

    • Petunia Salvaje says:

      Hola Leidy buenas tardes. Para evitar la caída del cabello debes comenzar a fortalecerlo y vigorizarlo, para esto te recomiendo nuestro Tratamiento Capilar Fruto Salvaje a base de frutas el cual estimula el crecimiento, evita la caída y reestructura toda la fibra capilar. Si lo deseas puedes complementarlo con el Tónico Capilar Crecimiento Fruto Salvaje. Para el control de la caspa te recomiendo nuestro Champú Diente de León el cual te ayuda a controlar la caspa y además también te ayudara a controlar la producción de sebo en el cuero cabelludo.

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