Get to know our Mountain Fruit Nutrition Line

Tea jars, bee honey pot collagen jar

Get to know out Mountain Fruit Nutrition Line.. It is very complete, we have a variety of products that are designed for you; to take care and strengthen your body, without neglecting your hair.

Fruto Salvaje wanted to develop a series of products inspired by the fruits of our nature, from there Frutos de la Montaña was born. Designed to give you the peace of mind that what you are taking is GOOD and you know that you are not harming your body; on the contrary, you are taking care of it.

Tea jars, bee honey pot collagen jar

Get to know more about our Nutrition Line, and get the best products for you:

Powdered food with collagen, biotin, aloe vera and magnesium Mountain Fruits. Be careful, because this is a product that you will LOVE, it is normal that with the passing of the years we suffer certain changes in the body. Excessive hair loss, weak hair, brittle nails and even loss of eyelashes are normal in the process of life; even the wear and tear of work and stress are influential factors to suffer from these situations.

Our collagen powder will help control this, strengthening our immune system, stimulating hair growth from within, helping to strengthen the strand as such and our nails; we are not going to lie to you, this product is KEY for you. Take it on an empty stomach every day and you will see very positive changes.

Our Black Tea is a marvel, it provides energy for the day to day, ideal for physical activity. It is a source of antioxidants, strengthens the immune system and helps the digestive function.

But it does not end there, it acts as an adjuvant for weight loss, inhibiting the absorption and digestion of fats and sugars. It also helps with stress reduction and enhances memory.

Mountain Berry Green Tea helps to increase energy expenditure and therefore aids in weight loss, decreases stress and contributes to fat oxidation. It is a great source of antioxidants that eliminate free radicals, strengthens the immune system, vision
and helps to have stronger hair.

In addition, it is diuretic and helps with digestive function, and it also boosts memory, not to mention it tastes delicious.

  • Pure Bee Honey

Bee Honey is an excellent natural sweetener ideal for all your meals, desserts and beverages. It is a totally natural product, for this reason it cannot be subjected to high temperatures because it would lose all its enzymes, it would lose its beneficial
properties for our organism.

Remember, if our honey crystallizes, don’t worry, it is a process that shows that our honey is totally pure, because it was not subjected to processes such as pasteurization or chemical formulas; this demonstrates the quality of our pure honey extracted by beekeepers from Bajo Cauca Antioquia.

Did we tell you or not? Our Nutrition Line is very complete and is thought to cover all your needs, Fruto Salvaje was born to help you.

2 thoughts on “Get to know our Mountain Fruit Nutrition Line

  1. Nancy says:

    Por q dicen q el fruto de la montaña hay q consumirlo en ayunas ….y yo compré uno u me dijeron a se podía consumir a cualquier hora del día

    • Petunia Salvaje says:

      Hola Nancy, en el envase está la especificación. Esto lo hacemos con el fin de que el colágeno se pueda absorber mejor, ya que es una proteína de difícil absorción por el organismo, por lo tanto es mejor realizarlo en ayunas, evitando el consumo de leche o café 30 minutos después de tomar el alimento.

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